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Preparation of project ReportFees Range Between: Rs 4500/- to 14500/- Estimate of Financial Statement (Per Year)Fees Range Between: Rs 1050/- 4050/-
Assistance in Loan Appraisal FormFees Range Between: Rs 3500/- to 8500/- Preparation of CMA DataFees Range Between: Rs 4500/- to 14500/-
Assistance in Bank FinanceFees Range Between: Rs 3500/- to 8500/- Term Loans, Cash, Credit and overdraft LimitFees Range: Rs --/-

Preparation of project Report

Project report preparation is very important because it provide very useful information for better business decision. It works like a written plan for forward work. It includes the aim of business project. It also includes the total written budget of project. We have to prepare it systematic way.

Estimate of Financial Statement (Per Year)

The purpose of an annual financial statement is to provide a reliable picture of a company's economic situation - including assets, liabilities and financial results. You calculate, how a company has used its resources over the course of a year. ... An annual financial statement is also referred to as an annual report.

Assistance in Loan Appraisal Form

Credit appraisal basically refers to assessing a particular loan application or proposal in a thorough manner in order to gauge the repayment ability of the loan applicant. A lender conducts a credit appraisal chiefly to make certain that the bank gets back the money that it lends to its customers.

Preparation of CMA Data

The format of CMA Data is generally fixed, and it contains preceding two years actual performance, ongoing year estimated figures and next five years projections

It contains detailed

  • Profit and Loss Account
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Ratio Analysis
  • Balance Sheet
  • Fund Flow Statement

Assistance in Bank Finance

Commercial banks play an important role in financing the credit requirements of exporters at different stages of export, viz., pre-shipment and post-shipment stage. Granting of short-term finance for working capital requirements has always remained an area exclusively reserved for the commercial banks. Commercial banks also offer post-shipment finance against deferred payment at a concession & rate of interest together with the Bank. In recent times, commercial banks have assumed a greater role by promoting projects of small entrepreneurs.

Term Loans, Cash, Credit and overdraft Limit

Commercial banks play an important role in financing the credit requirements of exporters at different stages of export, viz., pre-shipment and post-shipment stage. Granting of short-term finance for working capital requirements has always remained an area exclusively reserved for the commercial banks. Commercial banks also offer post-shipment finance against deferred payment at a concession & rate of interest together with the Bank. In recent times, commercial banks have assumed a greater role by promoting projects of small entrepreneurs.